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Funny Videos About Too Much Work

funny work from home videos

As the world slowly begins to stagger its way towards opening up after extended CoVid19 lockdowns, if there's one paradigm that's looking unlikely to budge much, it's the concept of work-from-home. Companies are still wary of opening up their offices at full strength given the risk of infection in large gatherings and many are considering making work-from-home a mainstream, well-beyond-the-pandemic norm. Twitter recently announced that it'll let its employees "work from home forever", Facebook and Google will have optional WFH for the rest of the year, Indian IT consultancy TCS will be making 75% of its workforce permanently work from home.

With news of such massive steps taken by large companies in, the concept of work from home is here to stay. And Youtubers, comics and other content creators have weighed in on it with their humourous videos, and we all could do with some good laughs during these strange times. So, here are some of the funniest and relatable work-from-home videos out there.

1. Work from home Bon Jovi Parody

Bon Jovi's sleeper hit 'Livin' on a prayer' gets a new work-from-home avataar in this parody video created by the channel JigsawHealthTV.  The high-energy video hits the right notes and gets you grooving with the all too familiar work-from-home tropes like wearing sweat pants all day, locking the kids outside when taking a call,  and "watching Netflix cuz it's all we got" all set to the iconic song's music. The video is compiled of clips shot by individuals within their own homes maintaining sheltering-in-place norms.

2. An ode to Zoom – "Everything I do, I do it for Zoom"

Working from home during the CoVid19 pandemic turned a simple corporate conference tool into a $42bn breakout star . And surely, you know you've made it big when it has its own parody song with close to 10mn views.  This musical medley by the comedy group The Holderness Family is quite the laugh riot.

3. "Working from home be like" by Mostly Sane

The Indian Youtube star Prajakta Koli has a hilarious take on working-from-home in India, and yes it does involve frequent power cuts, a spotty internet connection and nagging mom in the background during a Zoom call.

4. Types of people who work from home

The one who calls from the loo, the one who just can't get his Zoom to work, the one with dogs, the ones that "Circle back and touch base", this funny video has all the work-from-home types covered!

5. Work from home by Alexis Gay

The Patreon employee and part-time comic who went viral earlier this year with her "Every Silicon Valley party ever" video is back with her take on working from home, and of course it involves classic Silicon Valley-isms like "driving cross-functional alignment and Slacking docs and intentionally wobbling at an ergonomic desk.

6. Working from /for home by Indian comic Rahul Subramanian

Those bosses bossing over the employees while being bossed around to juggle household chores at home, will relate with this hard.

7. "Working from home be like"- by comedian Trey Kennedy

If accidentally adding "Love you" to a non family member phone call is the biggest "Oh crap" moment of your work-from-home day, this video by comedian Trey Kennedy is for you, and you will be thinking about it "until EOD"

8. DJs working from home

No self-respecting compilation of videos can be complete without the addition of an Indian TikTok.

9. Working from home…with pets

Pet parents would understand the special..challenges associated with trying to focus on those quarterly reports with a demanding pet at your lap.


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