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The Jazz Messengers the Essential Art Blakey the Columbia Rca Years

Art Blakey Best of the Columbia & RCA/Vik Years 2-CD Fix

$ 14.98

Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers were the greatest incubator of talent the jazz globe has ever known, and the late-'50s were arguably the outfit's near fertile period, every bit Blakey led non one, non ii, not 3, but four aggregations that spawned the next generation of jazz superstars. While Blakey recorded for a number of labels during that period, his sessions for the Columbia and RCA/Vik labels formed the core of his repertoire along with his Blue Note sides, and this 2-CD, 17-track gear up throws in vi rare alive performances in France (led by Blakey'southward impossibly polyrhythmic playing, the Jazz Messengers were one of the greatest alive bands in jazz history) to create an crucial certificate of the era.

The set begins with three tracks from the 1956 Columbia album The Jazz Messengers featuring the jaw-dropping line-up of Blakey, Donald Byrd on trumpet, Hank Mobley on tenor, Horace Silver on piano, and Doug Watkins
on bass; 2 Horace Silver compositions, "Nica's Dream" and "Ecaroh," bring together the Tin Pan Aisle song "The End of a Dear Thing." Later on that album, Silver split and took Byrd, Mobley, and Watkins with him, simply Blakey turned around and hired shortly-to-be-legendary alto saxman Jackie McLean along with trumpeter Neb Hardman, pianist Sam Dockery, and bassist Jimmy "Spanky" DeBrest to replace them. This unit recorded the side by side three tracks including the McLean composition "Little Melonae." "The Sacrifice" and "Cubano Chant" hail from album sessions with The Art Blakey Percussion Ensemble featuring, among others, bassist Oscar Pettiford and pianist Ray Bryant, while the terminal ii tracks on Disc One, "Most Like Being in Dear" and "Couldn't It Exist Y'all,"
add tenor titan Johnny Griffin to the Jazz Messenger mix. Disc Ii gets off
to a showstopping start with Blakey'south first-ever recording of Lightheaded Gillespie's
"A Night in Tunisia" (the title track of his 1957 Vik album, Blakey recorded it commercially eleven times) with the Blakey/DeBrest/Dockery/Griffin/Hardman/ McLean line-up...a celebrated track, to say the least! Then, we get a series of fiddling- known live performances from France that innovate the third and fourth of the great Jazz Messenger rosters to announced on this collection. Beginning, nosotros get the one that appeared on the classic Blue Note album
Moanin' anthology with saxophonist- composer Benny Golson, a young Lee Morgan on trumpet, Bobby Timmons on piano, and Jymie Merritt on bass. That'south the line-up you hear playing the Moanin' tunes "Moanin' with Hazel," "Blues March," and "Along Came Betty" (retitled "Along Came Manon" here) before the anthology had been released, forth with the Monk track "Evidence." Then, the last 2 tracks usher in the fourth and final great Jazz Messenger line-up heard here, with Wayne Shorter replacing Benny Golson and Walter Davis, Jr. replacing Bobby Timmons on "Lester Left Town" and "A Night in Tunisia," bringing the proceedings to a well-nigh satisfying (and intense!) determination. Compiled and annotated by Grammy Award-winning jazz record producer/executive/archivist/historian Richard Seidel, remastered at Maria Triana at Battery Studios, and featuring prime period photos, The Best of the Columbia & RCA/Vik Years (1956-1959) represents an essential add-on to the Fine art Blakey discography.



one. Nica'southward Dream
2. The Cease of a Beloved Affair

3. Ecaroh
4. Cranky Spanky
v. Nica's Tempo
half dozen. The Cede
7. Cubano Chant
8. Almost Similar Being in Honey

9. Couldn't It Be You (Take 4)


1. A Night in Tunisia (Take iii)

two. Moanin' with Hazel (Live at Social club St. Germain, Paris)

three. Show (Nosotros Named Information technology Justice) (Alive at Club St. Germain, Paris)

4. Blues March for Europe No. one (Live at Club St. Germain, Paris)

5. Along Came Manon (Live at Club St. Germain, Paris)
vi. Lester Left Boondocks (Live)

7. A Night in Tunisia (Alive)

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